London 2012

Get the data: Olympic tickets £20 or less by sport

In a third post publishing cleaned data from the Ticketing Report by London 2012 we’ve extracted Appendix III: £20 or less tickets available by sport. The data is in the table below, as well as a Google spreadsheet here. As in previous data … Continue reading

Get the data: Olympic ‘Pay Your Age’ tickets by sport

In our second post publishing cleaned data from the Ticketing Report by London 2012 we’ve extracted Appendix IV:  PYA [Pay Your Age tickets] Allocation by Sport. The data is in the table below, as well as a Google spreadsheet here. As in the … Continue reading

Get the data: Olympic ticket prices by sport and category

Following the publication of the Ticketing Report by London 2012 this week (thanks Claire Miller for the tip), we’ve extracted some of the data buried within. First up is Appendix V from the report: Price category of sold tickets by Olympic … Continue reading

Get the data: Olympic athletes

The Spreadsheet Journalism blog has published a set of data on all Olympic athletes from London 2012, including medals won, age, height, weight, gender, DOB and birthplace. Let us know if you do anything with it! Thanks to Muckraker‘s Lyra McKee … Continue reading