Newcastle University

How are university student complaints handled? Unileaks crunches the numbers

TweetThe OIA (Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education) has published its first set of complaint figures for the individual institutions who subscribe to its Scheme. The figures show rates varying considerably with some universities having as few as one … Continue reading

How universities allocated their 3 Olympic torchbearer places from Samsung {updated}

Following our post on July 6 on THES’s report on vice chancellors carrying the Olympic torch, we can provide further background on the processes used to allocate torchbearer places. At Brunel University a spokesperson explains: Two places were for students … Continue reading

THES: Vice chancellors grabbing university Olympic torch places {updated}

Times Higher Education reports on senior university managers “getting in on the act” of carrying the Olympic torch, after Samsung allocated 3 places each to 31 universities.  The places were meant for people who ”reflect the core value of the Olympic … Continue reading