
Useful education links for 3rd-10th May

TweetThese are some of the education stories we found interesting between the May 3rd-10th 2013. Michael Gove attacks ‘infantilisation’ of school curriculum which encourages pupils to compare Nazis to Mr Men (The Independent) Education Secretary Michael Gove attacked the school … Continue reading

MAPPED: How many hours do children spend at school around the world?

Tweet Recently proposed reforms could allow UK state schools to stay open until 4:30pm each day with pupils taking shorter, four-week summer holidays to spend more time in the classroom. We’ve mapped the amount of hours pupils across the world spend … Continue reading

Factcheck: Schoolchildren ‘left behind’ by shorter school days?

TweetEducation secretary Michael Gove has called for longer school days and shorter school holidays to improve pupil performance and make life easier for working parents – but does the evidence support him? Matt Burgess and Emma Greatorex investigate. The changes would … Continue reading