Rather than asking people to edit a whole spreadsheet, you can make it easier by creating a form for them to add particular information by answering questions.
To do this, open your spreadsheet in Google Docs and click on Form > Create a form.
A new window will appear containing a form that you can edit, with some information automatically added.
If you roll over any of the questions you will see buttons for you to edit, duplicate or delete it. You can also edit the form title and description and there are various extra options across the top.
Along the bottom of the form you will see a web address (URL) for the form that you can send to people or copy and paste into an investigation update. When a person clicks on this they will be able to fill in the form and the information will be added to your spreadsheet.
Once you’ve finished, just close the window.
If you need the address of your form again open your spreadsheet and go to Form > Go to live form… this will open the form – copy the URL from the web address bar as you would with any other webpage.
If you want to edit the form again just open your spreadsheet, click on Form > Edit form…
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