Investigation progress
Based on the current challenges this investigation is 0% complete
TweetI’ve recently been using data sourced from HEFCE to look into how much non-completing higher education students cost their institution in lost public funding. What are the figures, and how do different institutions suffer as a result of their admission standards and range of courses?
Here are the posts so far:
- The price of a University drop-out 1: Higher Education funding in context.
- The price of a University drop-out 2: How do you work out the numbers?
- The price of a University drop-out 3: Exactly how much is each student worth?
- The price of a University drop-out 4: Time for some numbers.
If you have anything you want to add, want to look at your own university or simply want to comment, e-mail me at or find me on Twitter @owmyfoothurts.