With Nottingham punching above its weight in being the second largest source of torchbearers, I thought I’d show where Nottingham folk will be carrying the torch.
The full data is available here. If you can do anything with it, let us know.
The map below adds 16 further torchbearers from Nottinghamshire towns, and colour codes the results based on age band: green for under 20s, purple for over 60s, and yellow and blue respectively for 20-40 and 41-60.
UPDATE: Featured on Sport Nottinghamshire.
Strange how so many people from Notts are running with the torch in other locations. Presumably then, lots of people with the torch in Notts won’t be local? I’ve been told one of the best places to see it will be the approach to and exit from the National Ice Centre….
Although there is also a stage show in the Old Market Square later too.
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