We’ve been compiling a list of people on Twitter to follow on welfare-related issues. Here’s how we did it: (If you need to know how to create a Twitter list, see Twitter’s guide) 1. Search Twitter biographies only The quickest way to kick off your Twitter list is to search Twitter biographies for users who […]
TweetThe minutes of meetings at public institutions are an often-overlooked source of possible story ideas and leads. Local authorities and hospitals regularly have their board meetings scrutinised by reporters – but university council meetings are less closely followed. Many universities … Continue reading →
The Independent recently got a great story from citizen FOI website whatdotheyknow.com about MPs running tabs in the bars at parliament. It just goes to show what a great resource whatdotheyknow.com is. If you haven’t used it yet, have a … Continue reading →
TweetHere are three simple uses of advanced search techniques that can help you find out more about how a school is run: “Senior management team” site:sch.uk will look for pages that mention the exact phrase “senior management team” on school … Continue reading →