[View the story “Housing and #welfarereform – a Twitter discussion” on Storify]
#WelfareReform child poverty mapped – but ‘doesn’t show the variation at ward level’ – Ade, @1in10 pic.twitter.com/uyVo4ja6cG— HMI Welfare (@HMIWelfare) December 9, 2013 Representatives of the voluntary sector gathered on Monday for an event to share good practice on using data on the impact of welfare reform – and Help Me Investigate was there to […]
On February 28 the Birmingham Datablog Meetup hosted a visit from Vikki Holland and Debbie Whittingham from the West Midlands Fire Service. They answered questions on how the Service uses data in both fire prevention and monitoring its activities. Here is a summary of the meetup. The Fire Service are one of the most advanced users […]
Here are the Olympic-related links we’ve been looking at over the last week from July 12th through July 17th: Sam Fraser: The Torch Relay – The Olympic Ideal in Flames- And then arrives a convoy of coaches. One badged with … Continue reading →