
Help Me Investigate in 2013 – and 2014

As Help Me Investigate starts to plan new investigations in 2014, it’s a good time to look back at what we’ve been up to over the last year across the four sites (not including this blog). It’s easy to forget how much you do in a year – thanks to the many contributors who made everything […]

Wealthy London boroughs paid less for Olympic Torch Relay – investigation

London boroughs with the poorest populations paid more to host Olympic Torch Relay events, while more affluent boroughs spent nothing, according to an investigation by Help Me Investigation users. Waltham Forest spent over £250,000 whereas Westminster incurred no costs. Government data … Continue reading

Useful Olympic links for May 21st through June 7th

Olympic news roundup for 11:21: Olympic torch cost £639 a minute through Northampton – Business News – Northampton Chronicle and Echo – ThisIs – Olympic Torch relay costs Waltham Forest second most in UK (From This Is Local London) – … Continue reading

Useful Olympic links for May 10th through May 20th

Olympic news roundup for 20:51: Councils count the cost of London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay | This is Somerset – “The investment we made has proven to be worth every penny and we are in no doubt it will leave … Continue reading

Useful Olympic links for March 8th through April 25th

Olympic news roundup for 17:51: Olympic torch to borough cost £10k | HeraldandPost | News | Wellingborough-and-Rushden-News – How the Olympic Legacy has affected London’s independent businesses | Independent Everything – A report released by the Federation for Small Businesses … Continue reading

Useful Olympic links for October 4th through January 28th

Olympic news roundup for 11:06: Contractors’ Olympic marketing ban lifted | News | Construction News – A ban on Olympic contractors promoting their involvement in the construction of the London 2012 infrastructure will be lifted this month, allowing firms to … Continue reading

Welfare-related links for June 20th through August 20th

These are the welfare-related links we’ve been looking at between June 20th and August 20th: DCLG: Evidence review of the costs of homelessness – This paper is intended to provide an initial overview of evidence held by government and other organisations, including that already published, of the magnitude of financial costs to government from homelessness. […]

Useful Olympic links for July 31st through August 19th

Here are the Olympic-related links we’ve been looking at over the last week from July 31st through August 19th: Olympics ? Breton Flags Confiscated – However Breton visitors to the games had their Breton flags confiscated by Olympic security, which … Continue reading

Useful Olympic links for July 25th through July 27th

Here are the Olympic-related links we’ve been looking at over the last week from July 25th through July 27th: The Olympic Torch and how to game an eBay auction | The Albert Memorial is still there – Looking at the … Continue reading

Useful Olympic links for July 23rd through July 24th

Here are the Olympic-related links we’ve been looking at over the last week from July 23rd through July 24th: Louisville’s Além International Management serves as backbone of Olympic torch run – Boulder Daily Camera – “We wanted to make sure … Continue reading