In my last post, I uploaded the response to the DWP to my FOI request about TIS funding.
The letter also confirms that the Travel to Interview Scheme was officially terminated on 4th April 2011 – to be replaced by what is now called the Flexible Support Fund (FSF).
The Citizens Advice Bureau site also explains what new Flexible Support Fund is. (For an enlarged version, click on the image.)
A response to an FOI request requesting clarity about the rules governing the decision making for eligibility to FSF, dated June/July 2011, is available on, and makes interesting reading.
What we now know is that, although it is up to the JobCentre Plus advisers whether to use the Flexible Support Fund (FSF) to subsidise a jobseeker’s travel to an interview, it is the District Manager who determines how the Flexible Support Fund is spent locally. Guidance notes for JobCentre advisers are also provided for reference.
Flexible Support Fund – the decision making process (FOI)
Flexible Support Fund Adviser Guidance
Are these FSF rules any different from the old Travel for Interview Scheme (TIS)? Or is the FSF just a renaming of TIS, only with less money in the pot?
Any takers to investigate?