NHS trust performance and patient ratings – data

NHS Local have launched a service to search for NHS trust ratings and performance data. Sadly there doesn’t appear to be a link to the full data, so we’ll work on scraping it if someone else doesn’t get there first.

The email about the service promises more data to come:

“NHS local plans to expand the service by creating star-ratings on the performance of  GPs.  We also intend to offer more detail about the hospital trusts, showing data and patient satisfaction about specific treatments, such as knee or hip operations. The feedback from patients is not yet being shown in realtime, but we are working towards that.”

And there’s a contact area to give feedback – let them know we want the raw data!

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About Paul Bradshaw

Founder of Help Me Investigate. I'm a visiting professor at City University London's School of Journalism, and run an MA in Online Journalism at Birmingham City University. I publish the Online Journalism Blog, and am the co-author of the Online Journalism Handbook and Magazine Editing (3rd edition). I have a particular interest in Freedom of Information and data journalism.