Tag Archives: higher education funding

The price of a University drop-out 4: Time for some numbers.

TweetIn the last post, we worked out the cost weight of a non-completion when it comes to public-funding, and the different variable factors that can send this cost sky-rocketing. But, it’s key to look at the effect on different institutions, … Continue reading

Posted in Data, Follow The Money | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

The price of a University drop-out 2: how do you work out the numbers?

TweetIn part 1, we tried to sift through the rulings and regulations and explain exactly how the HEFCE fund higher education institutions, and what criteria must be met. Next, before finally digging into the data in detail and filtering out … Continue reading

Posted in Data, Follow The Money | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments