How to: search within a specific council website

Sometimes an investigation involves searching for something on a particular council website. Quite often the search facility on a council website is not very effective – so here's how to search a council website using Google:

On Google, click on Advanced Search (to the right of the search button)

  1. Type in your search query, e.g. 'Environmental Information Regulations' in the first box
  2. In the last box – 'Search within a site or domain' type the web address of the site you're searching, e.g. (if you want to search all council websites you can just put
  3. Click the 'Advanced Search' button to conduct the search.

A quicker way to do the same search without going into Advanced search is to just type Environmental Information Regulations

If you liked this how-to, why not use it to help with the current investigation into what information councils are putting on their sites related to Environmental Information Regulations!

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