Tag Archives: investigative journalism

6 top tips on interviewing from Melanie McFadyean


At the CIJ Summer School this year, Melanie McFadyean gave tricks and tips for successful interviewing. We’ve summarised the top six tips below…

1. Do extensive background research…

…so unnecessary questions are not asked. These waste time and not knowing the background looks unprofessional to the interviewee.

Knowing key information also helps to back up your question, especially when interviewing ‘difficult’ people like politicians. Continue reading

6 top tips for filming interviews from Robert Miller and Martin Tomkinson

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This year at the CIJ Summer School, Robert Miller and Martin Tomkinson offered advice for how to get the best visual and audio footage of your interviews. Their top tips have been summarised below…

1. Keep any shot still for ten seconds

Spraying the camera results in confusing pictures. To add to this, only use the zoom image in extreme circumstances as it will pixelate quickly. Continue reading