We’ve compiled a list of 25 useful Twitter accounts if you want to follow welfare reform. Yesterday we revealed the first 10 – here are the other 15…
11.Samuel Miller @Hephaestus7
Disability specialist Samuel Miller is taking the government to court in The Hague over possible crimes to humanity.
Victims tell how they were unfairly knocked off sickness benefits http://t.co/HKtC8Veqpi via @MidWalesMike — Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) January 25, 2014
12. Real Life Reform @RealLifeReform
This northern housing consortium is running an eighteen month study tracking how people are living and coping with welfare reform across the north of England from April 2013 to October 2014. Real Life Reform are bringing together case studies of social housing tenants to capture not only the financial but also the human impact.
13. Citizens Advice Bureau @CitizensAdvice
The CAB offers free, independent and confidential advice on financial, legal or general matters. Their offices across the country help more than two million people a year. See also the hashtag #CABLive and Birmingham’s CAB campaign @campaign4brum
Economy expected to grow 2.4% this year but ordinary people continue to feel the strain: http://t.co/olcDFQyGl8 — BCABS Social Policy (@campaign4brum) January 23, 2014
14. Houses are homes @housesarehomes
The Houses are homes site is exploring how the law should be changed to make homes accessible.
@OwenJones84 such perverse thinking – can only presume his brain is dwelling in an alternate universe — housesarehomes (@housesarehomes) January 23, 2014
15. Ros Wynne-Jones @realbritainros
Ros Wynne-Jones‘s weekly Mirror column Real Britain tackles the impact of government cuts, covering areas like the bedroom tax, a real-life Benefits Street and the impact of legal aid cuts.
Meanwhile on #BonusStreet a banker laughs at poor people. What’s the likelihood of a documentary? http://t.co/MfI27sw6fr — Real Britain (@realbritainros) January 23, 2014
16. Work and Pensions Committee @CommonsWorkPen
The Work and Pensions Committee is the House of Commons select committee that publishes statistics, reports and inquiries on and intro the government’s welfare or pensions policy.
The transcript from the third evidence session in the support for housing costs inquiry is now available online: http://t.co/HwqKXMqdFU — Work & Pensions Ctte (@CommonsWorkPen) December 20, 2013
17. Welfare News Service @WNSNews
WNS pulls together welfare news from around the web on its Twitter account, website, Facebook page and even through email using Paper.li.
18. BoycottWorkfare @boycottworkfare
A national campaign to end forced unpaid work for those on welfare, this also publishes stories and gives advice for anyone affected.
19. Debbie Jolly @redjolly1
Jolly is a co founder of Disabled People against the Cuts which aims to defend and protect the rights of disabled people in the face of austerity policies. Or, in its own words: for everyone that “refuses to accept that any country can destroy the lives of people just because they are or become disabled or sick.”
Disabled people have never had it so bad http://t.co/rZYqVOIhGI — Debbie Jolly (@redjolly1) January 23, 2014
20. Daniel Douglas @_dandouglas
London based journalist Daniel Douglas reports on local homelessness and housing needs.
After #benefitstreet Channel 4 unveils plans to make documentary series on #bankeravenue Unthinkable? Well, unlikely. http://t.co/bSOWn8jm5D — Daniel Douglas (@_dandouglas) January 21, 2014
21. @AntiBedroomTax
The Facebook-based campaign against the bedroom tax, with roughly 14,000 members. Also on Twitter: the Anti Bedroom Tax and Benefit Justice Federation @benefitjustice
22. Living Wage Foundation @LivingWageUK
The LWF is an initiative of Citizens UK that began as a community leaders alliance in East London and now has 300 member organisations across London, Milton Keynes, Nottingham, Birmingham and Cardiff. They give accredited employers a ‘Living Wage’ stamp.
.@FivePointsBrew achieves Living Wage Employer accreditation http://t.co/7JtHnWE1sJ #ukpubs @LivingWageUK — Morning Advertiser (@morningad) January 23, 2014
23. Intern Aware @internaware
Intern Aware have raised awareness about the damage of unpaid internships on young people, campaigning for fair, paid internships using animations.
24. Bernadette Horton @PinkWaferBelle
Mum v Austerity Bernadette Horton is a mother of four and blogs about everyday battles against the impact of austerity on the working poor in North Wales.
Stop the finger-wagging and offer hope, Iain Duncan Smith tells Tories http://t.co/8xFiuJ8pK7 Utter bloody laughable from IDS! — Bernadette Horton (@PinkWaferBelle) January 24, 2014
25. The Atos stories collective, @AtosStories
Atos Stories has written plays based on claimants’ experiences of Atos, the company which carries out the work capability assessments to vet a person’s right to Employment and Support Allowance (ESA – formerly the Incapacity Benefit).
Fantastic! Act Up! Newham perform their version of Atos Stories for Newham CCG – http://t.co/dxtKZAkHxL #scrapwca — Atos Stories (@AtosStories) January 21, 2014