Tag Archives: welfare

Video: using the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts – Heather Brooke

Following the previous video of Heather Brooke on the Help Me Investigate blog, Heather provides further tips on using the Data Protection Act on Help Me Investigate: Health and Help Me Investigate: Welfare.

Her advice on investigating health, welfare and crime:

And on using the Data Protection Act:

Roundup: HMI Networks latest

Since the last time

In Help Me Investigate Health we've had the first of the 'Who's Who' series, kicked off with profiles of?Bill Morgan (special adviser on policy development) and Mark Simmonds.?

The roundup of key information from recent stories include questions over selling health data, the closure of walk-in centres, and the link between pepper spray deaths and stimulants.

In Welfare we've highlighted the community on the DWPexaminations message board, while Chie Elliott's investigation into the demise of the Travel for Interview Scheme has been picked up by Oli Conner,?who added Jobseekers' Allowance claimants data.?

Chie visualised the regional variations?that emerged, and?Carl Plant has since mapped the data too (blog post to come).

We're looking for people to publish regular links to relevant news stories on Help Me Investigate Health, Welfare and Education – if you want to get stuck in, email me on paul@helpmeinvestigate.com

Roundup: HMI Networks

Here are the latest posts across the Help Me Investigate: Networks sites on healtheducation, and welfare. Highlights include Ben Harrow’s series following the money that universities receive for students, Rebecca Ratcliffe’s investigation into the special education system, and Kristina Khoo’s background to her investigative documentary on homelessness. If you want to contribute to any of the sites, or the main Help Me Investigate blog, email paul@helpmeinvestigate.com. We are particularly looking for someone to manage the Health site, so if you have an interest in that area, please let us know.

HMI Networks: highlights from the blogs

There's been plenty of activity across the Help Me Investigate: Networks sites on health, education, and welfare since they launched last week. Here are the highlights:

If you want to get involved with any of the sites drop me an email on paul@helpmeinvestigate.com or on Twitter @paulbradshaw

Announcing Help Me Investigate Welfare

We’re launching a new site to help people investigating issues relating to the welfare system. 

Help Me Investigate Welfare is published by Chie Elliott, who is investigating the end of the Travel to Interview scheme.

Chie will not just be blogging about her progress but also broader information about the welfare system itself, including useful data and information; profiles of key individuals; the laws and regulations that affect welfare; and updates on welfare-related stories and investigations both in the mainstream media and blogs.

The site is part of the new Help Me Investigate: Networks project

Working with Chie are Teo Beleaga, Kristina Khoo and Charlotte Hawkins. They are looking for contributors so if you want to know more about the welfare system – or have experiences you’d like to share – let them know.