Public health spending now and to come – data and documents

NHS public health spending per head 2010-11 mapped to local authorities by local authority index of deprivation

Data visualised by David Buck: NHS public health spending per head 2010-11 mapped to local authorities by local authority index of deprivation

Next year a huge chunk of money for health improvement services will be taken from local NHS bodies (PCTs – primary care trusts) and given to local government (councils) instead.

As a result, as David Buck explains, the Department of Health has had to quickly find out – for the first time – how much money is being spent on public health, so that it knows how much it needs to reallocate – and the result is particularly useful if you’re interested in previous spending or how it might change under the new system. Continue reading

Referral to Treatment times (RTT) per PCT March to August 2011

Details taken from the Department of Health website:

The Referral To Treatment (RTT) data collections monitor the length of time from referral through to treatment.

Monthly RTT data has been published since March 2007. Initially data was only published for patients whose RTT pathways ended in admission for treatment. Since August 2007, monthly data has also been published for non-admitted patients (those whose RTT pathways ended for reasons other than admission for treatment) and for incomplete pathways (those still active at the end of the reporting month). Adjusted admitted RTT data has been published since March 2008 – this data set reports admitted patient RTT times allowing for clock pauses, in line with published RTT clock rules.

This map and datatable show the RTT stats and how PCT’s did seeing patients within the 18 week target. The yellow icons in the map indicate where a Trust has seen below 90% of patients in under 18 weeks.

Here’s a link to a datatable where you can query the data. What can you discover by looking at this data? Would you like more RTT data or have the same data in different formats?

You can request data on any health topic and I can check if it’s available and help to make the data presentable.

Patient safety data October 2010 to March 2011

If you require information on patient safety for your PCT I have created a dashboard where you can select the PCT in question and see the figures from the National Patient Safety Agency datatables.

You can access the underlying data from the dashboard by using the icons at the bottom of the dashboard.


I have taken the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) data from the August 2011 release and created a dashboard, according to the NPSA the underlying data is:

The sixth release of the Organisation Patient Safety Incident Reports data for NHS organisations in England and Wales was on 13 September 2011. The release covers incidents that occurred between 01 October 2010 and 31 March 2011 and were reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) by 31 May 2011.

I have used data on small to large acute hospitals, teaching hospitals, acute teaching and specialist hospitals, as well as mental health and ambulance organisations.

The information in the dashboard covers how many incidents were reported, the rate of incidents per 10000 people, the degrees of harm caused to patients and the time taken on average for incidents to be reported.

The patient safety data is released on the NSPA site alongside reports for each trust. There is however data missing from some trusts, although in the majority of cases the data is complete.

Can you help?

If there’s data missing for a particular Trust, can you help to find it?

If you would like to see or have other data relating to patient safety just get in contact.

More data to come…

I’ll be adding more publicly available health data over the next few weeks and I’m more than happy to chat about finding and cleaning up specific health related datasets.

(cross posted with my blog