Theme: Olympic games opening and closing ceremonies

The government doubled the budget of the Olympic games opening and closing ceremonies to £80million in December last year. The extra money comes from the £9.3billion Olympic public funding package to help the ceremonies to be more spectacular allowing for the great legacy to be viewed by the world of sport.

The opening ceremony is usually the heart of the Olympic games where countries try to represent their culture in a show that brings together all cultures under one roof. Minister for Sport and Olympics Hugh Robertson said,

“We have invested that £41million because it’s about the impression that people take away from this country.”

With the opening ceremony taking place in the 80,000 capacity Olympic Stadium, it underpins the legacy behind the stadium that is at the heart of London 2012 and all previous Olympic Games. Continue reading

Uncategorized: Olympic Stadium following the games

With the most recent update from West Ham United being very positive about adopting the newly built Olympic Stadium it has opened the concern of whether the Olympic legacy will be maintained by the football club. Olympic legacy leader Sebastian Coe has pushed for the athletics track to be maintained following the Olympics, West Ham support this but Tottenham do not. Through supporting this lead of legacy it heightens West Ham’s chances of housing their football at the Olympic Stadium following the games. Continue reading

Data: Newham Council’s spending

The Council has incurred costs relating to the Bidding stage of £103,980.20. All of these costs will be included in the Stadium Company costs, and will therefore be recouped by the Council. (whatdotheyknow) Here are some of the incurred costs to date that was requested by Mike Law:

The Council has paid £38,447.50 for financial due diligence and LBN advice on the Stadium Company Business Plan development, and committed for costs of up to another £12,725 of advice as part of the Process. This advice has been provided by KPMG. Continue reading

Question: Have West Ham accepted defeat?

It has recently emerged that an architect linked with the Olympic games building projects has been the individual that has arguably ruined West Ham United’s chances of occupying the £468million Olympic Stadium following this years games. The architect is named as Steve Lawrence, he complained to the European Union about West Hame receiving a £40million loan from Newham Council to be owners of the 80,000 seater stadium.

The local authority offered the loan to West Ham as part of their partnership to act as co-tenants of the stadium, under which the ground would have housed a school and community sports facilities within the complex. Continue reading