bedroom tax

“I take illegal measures to support my family against benefit cuts”

In January 2014, Iain Duncan Smith, Government Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, set out plans for the future of welfare in the UK. In his policy speech ‘Simplifying the welfare system and making sure work pays’ he said: “Our welfare reforms are about ensuring it is no longer more worthwhile to be on benefits than in work.” […]

1 in 20 users of domestic abuse scheme affected by bedroom tax

Almost 1 in 20 households using the Sanctuary Scheme for people at risk of domestic violence have been affected by the removal of the spare room subsidy, reports Lorcan James. Figures obtained from FOI requests to 79 Local Authorities show that from 2009, 281 households have been affected, meaning an average loss of £14 pounds […]

The week in welfare reform – roundup

  Once again we’ve rounded up some of the key updates from @HMIwelfare over the last week into a Flipboard magazine. Stories include unfit royal housing benefit property, claims that food poverty is a bigger public health concern than diet, how the sale of small council homes condemned thousands to the bedroom tax, and an equality analysis of […]

25 Twitter accounts to follow in 2014 on welfare reform – the first 10

We’ve compiled a list of 25 useful Twitter accounts if you want to follow welfare reform. In this post we reveal the first 10… Follow them all – and over 40 others – as a list here. How we did it: finding Twitter accounts to follow 1. Joseph Rowntree Fdn.  @jrf_uk,   @Helen_Barnard I shouldn’t have […]

How to compile a news feed on welfare issues (or any other) – part 1: what’s going on?

Earlier this week we published our list of 19 places to follow welfare developments. In the first of a three-part series, we explain how to get your own list of useful feeds into one page, and share it with others. Step 1: Use a ‘personalisable homepage’ news reader like Netvibes or Feedly There are a number of […]

Housing and #welfarereform – a Twitter discussion

[View the story “Housing and #welfarereform – a Twitter discussion” on Storify]

The Bedroom Tax investigated in Birmingham: no place to go

Sharing a room with her four year old disabled son, Brenda*, a single mother from Ladywood, is just one of the 37,000 households in Birmingham living in congested conditions, making the West Midlands responsible for almost half of families living … Continue reading