benefit cap

“I take illegal measures to support my family against benefit cuts”

In January 2014, Iain Duncan Smith, Government Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, set out plans for the future of welfare in the UK. In his policy speech ‘Simplifying the welfare system and making sure work pays’ he said: “Our welfare reforms are about ensuring it is no longer more worthwhile to be on benefits than in work.” […]

19 places to get updates on welfare reform

If you want to keep track of what’s happening in welfare reform we’ve compiled this list of some of the most useful – and varied – sources on everything from the bedroom tax to child poverty. We’ve also put together a dashboard if you want to follow these on a single easy-to-check webpage. You can follow […]

Welfare reform and data: telling London’s benefit cap stories

#WelfareReform child poverty mapped – but ‘doesn’t show the variation at ward level’ – Ade, @1in10— HMI Welfare (@HMIWelfare) December 9, 2013 Representatives of the voluntary sector gathered on Monday for an event to share good practice on using data on the impact of welfare reform – and Help Me Investigate was there to […]