Health Service Journal

Help Me Investigate in 2013 – and 2014

As Help Me Investigate starts to plan new investigations in 2014, it’s a good time to look back at what we’ve been up to over the last year across the four sites (not including this blog). It’s easy to forget how much you do in a year – thanks to the many contributors who made everything […]

HMI Health compiles clinical commissioning group FOIs for health sector magazine

Over on Help Me Investigate Health, we’ve published a list of Freedom of Information emails for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) – the new bodies controlling local health spending in England. The list was compiled two months ago for Health Service Journal by Tom Warren and Matt Burgess, shortly after the new bodies took control, but is only now being published by HMI. As […]

Get the data: Freedom of Information contact details for every clinical commissioning group

Help Me Investigate has compiled a list of Freedom of Information emails for the new bodies overseeing local health spending in England. The list was compiled for Health Service Journal by Tom Warren and Matt Burgess, and is reproduced here … Continue reading

What’s your local CCG doing? A quick guide

Philip John is one of the users of Help Me Investigate looking at his local clinical commissioning group (CCG), for which there isn’t much information (there isn’t even a website). Here’s why: CCGs are being authorised in four waves, which … Continue reading

25 clinical commissioning-related accounts on Twitter

Having previously identified 20 useful sources for CCG-related news, here are 25 Twitter accounts to follow if you want to know what’s happening with clinical commissioning: NHS Leicester City – @NHSLeicester: “Leicester City CCG takes over health commissioning from NHS Leicester City … Continue reading