help me investigate

Review of 2013 on Help Me Investigate

Over on the main Help Me Investigate blog there’s a review of what we did across the four HMI sites in 2013, including HMI Welfare: “Help Me Investigate Welfare began looking at zero hour contracts at the start of 2013 before it hit the mainstream news agenda, as Danielle Hudspith reported on the Number of employees on zero hour contracts doubling in […]

Welfare reform and data: telling London’s benefit cap stories

#WelfareReform child poverty mapped – but ‘doesn’t show the variation at ward level’ – Ade, @1in10— HMI Welfare (@HMIWelfare) December 9, 2013 Representatives of the voluntary sector gathered on Monday for an event to share good practice on using data on the impact of welfare reform – and Help Me Investigate was there to […]

Help Me Investigate Education are looking for a new editor

TweetWe’re looking for a new editor to help run Help Me Investigate Education, as I have a new job following my work on the website. Over the early months of this year we have explored education issues that have been at the forefront … Continue reading

New investigations, new data and new roles at Help Me Investigate

TweetHelp Me Investigate Education has a new team of editors, brand new investigations – and lots of ideas for new ones. We’re also looking for new contributors to get involved with the website. There are several ongoing investigations, from school … Continue reading