Times Higher Education

Useful education links for April 19th through April 26th

Tweet These are some of the education stories we found interesting between the 19th and 26th April 2013. University of East Anglia tops class for student experience (The Times) The University of East Anglia has this week been named as … Continue reading

Useful education links for April 19th through April 26th

Tweet These are some of the education stories we found interesting between the 19th and 26th April 2013. University of East Anglia tops class for student experience (The Times) The University of East Anglia has this week been named as … Continue reading

What information do universities record – and what might be requested?

TweetTimes Higher Education reporter David Matthews wrote about “stumbling blocks” to university transparency this month – and in the process highlighted some useful tips for those wanting to investigate higher education. Here are the highlights: Who makes the decisions? Most … Continue reading

THES: Vice chancellors grabbing university Olympic torch places {updated}

Times Higher Education reports on senior university managers “getting in on the act” of carrying the Olympic torch, after Samsung allocated 3 places each to 31 universities.  The places were meant for people who ”reflect the core value of the Olympic … Continue reading