waiting times

Students seeking counselling goes up by one third

Tweet The number of university students seeking counselling has risen over a third in the last four years, according to an investigation by Help Me Investigate. And at five universities numbers have more than doubled. The University of Glasgow had … Continue reading

Full Fact publishes Health data for factchecking

The factchecking site Full Fact has launched a new section on its website hosting key data on the health service. The Full Fact Finder covers 5 areas: immigration, education, the economy, crime and the law – and health. Data on … Continue reading

Recipe: what’s the worst time to go to A&E?

Today we publish the first results of a collaboration with the Birmingham Mail: when’s the worst time to go to A&E in the West Midlands? (It’s 1am, by the way).  Or, to give it its print headline: “A&E delays worst … Continue reading