
Do you want to help investigate the education system?

TweetWe’re looking for a new editor to help run Help Me Investigate Education, as I have found a job as a result of my work on the site! If you’re interested in or concerned about education – and curious about using FOI and … Continue reading

How influential are re-takes on today’s A-level students?

TweetLast week, it was announced that Michael Gove wanted Universities to have a big influence on the curricula of A-level exams. With Gove’s requests to Ofqual ringing in university’s ears, it’s key to look at some of the elements that … Continue reading

University Governance deconstructed… then constructed again…

TweetIf something has a Wikipedia entry that’s difficult to understand, it’s bound to be an intricate, complex, and rarely explained subject. University governance is one of those subjects. Rarely looked into, examined or explained, (outside of academia at least) the … Continue reading