Paul Bradshaw

Prisoner benefit overpayments plummet – but DWP still missing £21m

Benefits paid to prisoners have declined by 96 per cent since 2007 – but almost £21m is still missing because only half the money has been recovered to the Department for Work and Pensions, an investigation by Help Me Investigate’s Gesbeen Mohammad has revealed. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) centralised its benefits database […]

6 great places to find data on health in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Where do you find data to put your story into context – or give you ideas for stories in the first place? Here are some of the places that come in handy for understanding health in England and the UK … Continue reading

Magazine: HMI Welfare’s week in #welfarereform

We’ve pulled together another 10 key stories from the last week into a Flipboard magazine. Let us know what you think – and if there are sources or stories we should be including.

1 in 20 users of domestic abuse scheme affected by bedroom tax

Almost 1 in 20 households using the Sanctuary Scheme for people at risk of domestic violence have been affected by the removal of the spare room subsidy, reports Lorcan James. Figures obtained from FOI requests to 79 Local Authorities show that from 2009, 281 households have been affected, meaning an average loss of £14 pounds […]

The week in welfare reform – roundup

  Once again we’ve rounded up some of the key updates from @HMIwelfare over the last week into a Flipboard magazine. Stories include unfit royal housing benefit property, claims that food poverty is a bigger public health concern than diet, how the sale of small council homes condemned thousands to the bedroom tax, and an equality analysis of […]

The week in #welfarereform according to @HMIwelfare

We’ve rounded up 10 key welfare stories from the past week and put them in a Flipboard magazine. Click on the image below to enjoy – and scroll down to move from page to page. You can find a longer list of recent coverage on our Pinboard bookmarks. If you think we’ve missed anything, let us […]

25 Twitter accounts to follow in 2014 on welfare reform – numbers 11-25

We’ve compiled a list of 25 useful Twitter accounts if you want to follow welfare reform. Yesterday we revealed the first 10 – here are the other 15… Follow them all – and over 40 others – as a list here. 11.Samuel Miller @Hephaestus7 Disability specialist Samuel Miller is taking the government to court in The […]

5 ways to find Twitter accounts covering the welfare field (or any other)

We’ve been compiling a list of people on Twitter to follow on welfare-related issues. Here’s how we did it: (If you need to know how to create a Twitter list, see Twitter’s guide) 1. Search Twitter biographies only The quickest way to kick off your Twitter list is to search Twitter biographies for users who […]

How to keep track of welfare issues part 3: data and documents

In the first part of this series I looked at bringing general news sources and blogs into one place; in the second I looked at social media discussions. This final part looks at how to know what government departments are saying and doing, even if no one is reporting it. Data and documents provide some of […]

How to keep track of welfare issues part 2: case studies and context

In the first part of this series we looked at bringing general news sources and blogs into one place. In this part we look to another important source: social media discussions. Social media discussions contain three types of information: news updates you haven’t seen elsewhere; expertise (analysis and insights, for example); and personal experience (case studies). Here’s […]