Chai Patel

The experience of the torchbearer – and the executives who carried the Olympic torch on just one day – 8,000 Holes part 5

In the final part of the serialisation of Help Me Investigate’s first ebook – 8,000 Holes: How the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Lost its Way we look at how the story affected one inspirational individual who did carry the torch – and … Continue reading

Who’s running instead of Jack Binstead today?

The following is a short extract from the final chapter of 8,000 Holes: How the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Lost its Way: “On the day that Jack’s family flies out, the Olympic torch will be carried by Chai Patel – a … Continue reading

Help Me Investigate interviews Jack Binstead for The Guardian’s Writers Relay

Carol Miers’s interview with wheelchair racer Jack Binstead is published today in The Guardian. Today is the day that Jack was most likely to have carried the torch, had his nomination by 20 people been successful. Instead he and his … Continue reading