Paul Bradshaw

Welfare reform and data: telling London’s benefit cap stories

#WelfareReform child poverty mapped – but ‘doesn’t show the variation at ward level’ – Ade, @1in10— HMI Welfare (@HMIWelfare) December 9, 2013 Representatives of the voluntary sector gathered on Monday for an event to share good practice on using data on the impact of welfare reform – and Help Me Investigate was there to […]

Transcripts: NUJ event – Reporting on our health services

The European Health Journalism website has published transcripts of the NUJ masterclass this month where I spoke about investigating health. Direct links are copied below: Presentation slides on the new NHS structures Transcript of speech by John Lister, senior lecturer … Continue reading

Event – NUJ: Reporting on our health services

The NUJ is hosting an event on April 11 “for a practical, informative and interactive session on reporting on our health services.” Alongside myself representing Help Me Investigate, a panel of much more interesting speakers includes: BBC health correspondent Branwen Jeffreys … Continue reading

Help Me Investigate teams up with Birmingham Mail on regional datablog

Help Me Investigate has teamed up with the Birmingham Mail on new project Behind The Numbers, looking at stories in local data. The first story, a collaboration between Mail reporter Katy Hallam and Help Me Investigate’s Paul Bradshaw, was publish…