Coca Cola

Wealthy London boroughs paid less for Olympic Torch Relay – investigation

London boroughs with the poorest populations paid more to host Olympic Torch Relay events, while more affluent boroughs spent nothing, according to an investigation by Help Me Investigation users. Waltham Forest spent over £250,000 whereas Westminster incurred no costs. Government data … Continue reading

The experience of the torchbearer – and the executives who carried the Olympic torch on just one day – 8,000 Holes part 5

In the final part of the serialisation of Help Me Investigate’s first ebook – 8,000 Holes: How the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Lost its Way we look at how the story affected one inspirational individual who did carry the torch – and … Continue reading

The 21% of torchbearer places that were allocated outside of public campaigns: 8,000 Holes Part 4

In the fourth part of a serialisation of Help Me Investigate’s first ebook – 8,000 Holes: How the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Lost its Way we look at what happened to the thousands of torchbearer places that were allocated outside of public … Continue reading

Infographic: Where did the Olympic torch relay places go? What we know

An allocation of how the 8,000 Olympic torchbearer places were allocated has found that just 71% were allocated through the four main public campaigns. The figure – published in the ebook 8,000 Holes – casts doubt on the promise by organisers LOCOG that 90% … Continue reading

How the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay lost its way part 2: The presenting partners

In the second part of a serialisation of Help Me Investigate’s first ebook – 8,000 Holes: How the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Lost its Way we look at how the presenting partners’ allocation of torchbearer places was handled. You can download … Continue reading

Who’s running instead of Jack Binstead today?

The following is a short extract from the final chapter of 8,000 Holes: How the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Lost its Way: “On the day that Jack’s family flies out, the Olympic torch will be carried by Chai Patel – a … Continue reading

Argus investigates Olympic torchbearers in Sussex

The Argus in Sussex is the latest newspaper to ask questions of the allocation of Olympic torch relay places: “between the charity fundraisers, world record holders and people who have dedicated their lives to helping others,” reports Tim Ridgway and … Continue reading

Get the data: Coca Cola’s US torchbearers for “health, community, environment”

23 of the places that Coca Cola allocated through public nomination went to these US citizens through the Live Positively campaign. As part of our investigation into how places were allocated, we’ve re-presented the data in a more usable format. … Continue reading

Stansted torchbearers investigated by David Morgan

A cluster of Chinese torchbearers with stories of business success have been identified by Stansted resident David Morgan. The Herts and Essex Observer reports on his findings, and includes a reaction from LOCOG who say “the Chinese nationals were nominated through … Continue reading